Muriel Mambrini
Co-Director Doctoral School & Co-Director Eurip
Muriel's Bio

First class Research Director, recently appointed at the French Institute of Research for Sustainable Development (IRD) as director of Research & Programs Evaluation, my field is the science of science management. Formerly at INRAE, I designed the framework serving the actors of the innovation ecosystems to accelerate the agroecological transition, going from the exploration of the potential of living labs at national, European and International levels, to the creation of think tanks to work on the new terms of social contracts for a more sustainable world. On the one side, I develop interdisciplinary research, at the interface between life science, innovation management and epistemology - fields in which I published international references. On the other side I head large interdisciplinary research centers and initiatives, former head the largest research center of INRAE, former director of the Institute of Advanced Study for Science and Technology, current director of the Doctoral School for Interdisciplinary Frontier Research (unique worldwide). Having identified for long, that reforming the evaluation system of science quality is key, I happily joined IRD in 2023 with the intent to shape evaluation processes fit to sustainability science.

Knight of the French Order of Merit, member of the French Academy of Agriculture.

Why LPI? If ever there was a place to consolidate the framework for recognizing and assessing the quality of interdisciplinary research, it's the LPI and Université Paris-Cité. If there's one place where we can accelerate the paradigm shifts essential to transitions, or at least produce the knowledge to do so, while being impacted by the expectations of the new generation, it's the LPI. At LPI, we work for skills and competencies relevant to the 21st century, rely on the evolution of technology and ICT, and know how to deal with globalization and the need for innovation. We pay particular attention to maintaining a balance between people's personal and social needs, and we know that these concerns call for diversified teaching and learning forms. LPI constantly questions young people's demand for an education that prepares them for this changing world. The question is how to support the transition of the training system. LPI brings together research and training to foster cooperation, active, intercultural and interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking and social inclusion. How can we ensure that what we experiment with has a greater impact on transformations? The most inclusive policy framework (UNESCO) reflects the need for a paradigm shift and gives recognition to more horizontal knowledge transfer. The conditions are ripe for formalizing the evaluation system for research approaches at interfaces. My aim is to add to the theoretical and operational framework for developing this evaluation system.

Living INfrastructure to Design responsible Digital technology for Agroecological transition
Design and interdisciplinary research resources for programmes of digitalization for agroecological transition, providing capacities for “Responsible digital farming”
Research Unit: Learning Transitions
Learning about transitions & transitions of learning
Lab to lead_competencies for new leaders
Université Paris Cité - Learning Planet Institute
Pandemia shield
Adapt our teaching and processes to limit virus exposure
Leading at the Edge : navigating uncharted waters
Engaging with complex challenges
Highlight the PhDs' skills
Valorizing the PhDs' skills and facilitating their professionnal integration
Practical Philosophy & Sciences in Context
Exploring the frontiers of science and philosophy and turning realizations into practical advice