elizabeth maloney
Fire PhD student
Computational Genomics, Sewing, Podcast-listening, Americaine.
elizabeth's Bio

[2021-Present] Currently doing PhD research at the Pasteur Institute in the Translational Immunology Lab

[2015-2021] Worked at Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Gritstone bio (biotech) 6 years

[2011-2015] I earned my Bachelor's of Science in Biology (and Theatre) at Tufts University in the United States and then

I am interested in why different people are susceptible to diseases in different ways (e.g. the many ways COVID can present), I love the 3-D engineering of clothing (especially quick-change theatre costumes), express myself through dance, and always enjoy good stories (so don't be offended if I have headphones in, I'm probably listening to a podcast).

Thematic Workshop: Thinking Fair - Climate, Justice & Inclusion
Come on in and co-create new ways of talking & learning about the interwoven topics climate, justice and inclusion